

GRM Portrait: Self Unsame Again Always New


Three Forests (The Wire)
A short(er) study in using plasmatic synthesis to expand environmental sound.


La Revue des Ressources (review + interview – French)
“It’s a world of presence, shaped by the composer with remarkable care and meticulousness. It’s a sonic ecosystem in which processing, mixing and the full contribution of electronics come together and manifest themselves in a kind of symbiosis with the field recordings, while at the same time blazing dreamlike trails.”

Touching Extremes (Two Forests / Oceanic)
“This is unquestionably one of the finest releases of this genre heard recently. Cleverly structured, beautifully poetic.”

The Sound Projector (Two Forests / Oceanic)
“Dunscombe ends up creating astonishingly expansive and hypnotic works that really do open up the mind to worlds and visions that would otherwise remain hidden.”

Soundohm Newsletter (Horatiu Radulescu Plasmatic Works vol 1)
“…an overwhelming immersion into a neglected thread of sonic radicalism emerging in Europe during the second half of the 20th Century from a truly maverick creative mind.” … “An absolute revelation and joy in listening that can’t be missed.”

The Wire issue 465 (Horatiu Radulescu Plasmatic Works vol 1)
“…a seething, boiling sonic mass, a single sonic entity with inner dynamism.”

The Harmonic Series – Keith Prosk (Horatiu Radulescu Plasmatic Works vol 1)
“Conjuring an awesome spiritual experience from the revelation of music’s animism.”

Best Contemporary Classical, June 2022 – Peter Margasak (Horatiu Radulescu Plasmatic Works vol 1)
“…a truly psychedelic experience. Despite their age, these bracing pieces sound as fresh as anything else I’ve heard in 2022.”

The Wire issue 449 (Outside Ludlow / Desert Disco)
“Against the dusty drift of the tape, its rawness and brutality is startling”

The Sound Projector (Outside Ludlow / Desert Disco)
“Dunscombe has crafted two works of mesmeric and haunting ambient beauty that hearken back to their source and look forward to transformation and rebirth.”